Saturday, February 18, 2017

No Fear from Dar or Fearless Dar- The terroist? (Dar se darr nahi ya Dar ko darr nahi)

   In India Diwali is a festival of infinite wishes and gifts. The days of decoration from house to self to markets. The days of lucrative offers, alluring concepts of celebration etc. Within the days of preparation of celebration, what will happen when 2 days before some one lost their loved ones? Yes, I am mentioning the mishap happened in 2005 in Delhi with the serial blasts. Around 67 people were murdered not died in this blasts and many were injured.

Through the investigation three persons were found responsible for this activity and imprisoned. As per the procedure the court started their proceedings to find the reason and responsibility of this obnoxious activity. This trial went for 12 odd years. After 12 years it has been proved that they are innocent but have a deep nexus with some of the terrorist groups.

I was wondering that, is it not enough for any country that the person belongs to any antisocial activity group. Very disappointing and matter of concern on the judiciary process of the country.

I insist, that citizens should raise questions on such judgements. Such activists should have fear of citizens of any such country before performing any antisocial activity, unfortunately, if they do not have the fear of the system.  

The judgement given by session court on 16th Feb. regarding Delhi Serial bomb blast in 2005 was very disheartening. Is it not enough for the hon. court to sentence them as they are proven terrorists . Where Pakistan Govt. has made a slaughter house their jails and Hundred+ soldiers of India have either been imprisoned or murdered, yes they are MURDERED, I will not use the word KILLED . I am mentioning soldiers of India not the terrorists of India. No words to express the aggression and dissonance. Unable to understand  "NO FEAR FROM DAR OR FEARLESS DAR - THE TERRORIST? "  "DAAR KA DARR NAHI YA DAAR KO DARR NAHI?

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